Solimene: Chongqing will Become a World-wide Hotspring Destination

By Parker Walker

Not all countries may know about the benefits of hotsprings, Professor Solimene, chairman of FEMTEC( ) told iChongqing at the first session of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy Tourism in China today in Chongqing.

Solimene expounded on the benefits of hydrotherapy (the use of hot springs to improve health and wellness) which included rehabilitation after heart attack, low-impact training, respiratory benefits and others. These benefits are mostly due to the minerals in the water as well as nano-particles absorbed in the skin and breathe in during a hot springs bath.

Professor Solimene explained, FEMTEC is an association that standardizes and provides scientific and medical support for the hotsprings industry in the different areas of the world that have different levels of development.

He believes that there are three main zones in the world that have different hotspring needs: Europe, Asia (besides Japan) and other developing nations. These areas have different needs to develop and standardize their hotsprings even futher and FEMTEC will facilitate with the local conditions to do this.

According to Professor Solimene, FEMTEC can help different locale’s hotsprings by standardizing, research, investigations into the local terrain, etc.

Professor Solimene concluded by saying that Chongqing’s partnership with FEMTEC is part of a long-term integrated strategy to improve the conditions of the hotsprings and integrate traditional recreation and medicinal practices with modern science as well as market Chongqing as a hotsprings tourist destination and tourist “package” for tourists coming to China from abroad. For more information on the interview, please watch the vedio.