A Must-See Parade: Floats Show in Wanzhou


As a highlighted event in the 9th China Yangtze River Three Gorges International Tourism Festival (abbreviated as the Festival below), the Floats Parade by 14 counties will be held during 6 to 8 Nov. in Wanzhou stadium.

Float in design


Wanzhou, Fuling, Changshou, Dianjiang, Liangping, Kaizhou and other counties from Chongqing will show floats with unique tourism features. For instance, Wushan County’s float themed with red color that represents its famous autumn leaves. Peony flower is the symbol of Dianjiang’s float. Fengjie County has restored the scene of Baidi City on its decorated vehicle. Generally, in this floats parade, you could see all travel significances from 14 counties.

The floats are now under decoration on scene, each float is about 10m long, 2m wide and 3m high. There are 14 vehicles altogether. Those floats are colorful with vivid shapes.


The Festival has plenty of activities and events going on since 26th July, it is strongly recommended to travel along the Yangtze River especially the three gorges trip.  

Source: CQCB