Chongqing Made Level 4 Self Driving Cars  to Achieve Mass Production in 2025

By Yuling Chen, EDITOR

On the morning of March 7 during the second session of the 13th NPC, the Chongqing Delegation met the press again. The third news conference focused on “Development and Application of Big Data Intelligence” during China's two sessions. Two deputies to National People’s Congress (NPC) from Chongqing local vehicle enterprises--Chongqing Chang’an Automobile Co., Ltd. and Pandauto shared some information and views.

The autonomous car showed at the first Smart China Expo in Chongqing, China attracts visitors here. (Photo by Ju Zhiqin)

Chang'an: Mass Production in 2025

Zhu Huarong, Deputy to the NPC and President of Chongqing Chang’an Automobile Co., Ltd., attended the meeting. As he said, Chang’an Automobile is accelerating its transformation into a technology company engaged in smart products. Its Level 4 autonomous car has realized demonstration operation in China. With technology leading the industry, the company is expected to achieve mass production by 2025.

Zhu Huarong, Deputy to the NPC and President of Chongqing Chang’an Automobile Co., Ltd. (Photo by Zou Fei)

Zhu Huarong believes big data has been an important means of production for enterprises. Chang’an Automobile, offering services based on big data, is switching its focus into intelligent driving technology.

To achieve the transformation, the company has established a big data operating system. “These big data play an instructive role in the design and development of products.” According to his introduction, with the help of big data, Chang’an Automobile has seen a continuous enhancement of management efficiency. In addition to the increasingly accurate user portrait, the product development cycle continues to shorten as well.

The development of autonomous cars has received wide attention, and there are five levels in China. Zhu Huarong visualized the differences. When driving, the driver can take the feet, hands, and even eyes off at the first three levels respectively.

“Chang’an has completely achieved the above three levels, and realized mass production.” At Level 4, the car is really autonomous, and the driver can even have a rest. In an emergency, the car will change the mode into manual driving or manual intervention after pulling over. However, the driver still needs a corresponding driving license.

At Level 5, any problems can get solved through smart technology, and the driver will no longer need a license.

The Test Evaluation System Needs  Improvement

Gao Yu, Deputy to the NPC and General Manager of Pandauto said that, at the end of last year, the company obtained the automatic-driving road test license in Chongqing. It will further improve the scene response ability of automatic driving test on open roads in a 5G environment.

Gao Yu, Deputy to the NPC and General Manager of Pandauto (Photo by Zou Fei)

Early this year, the Chongqing Automatic Driving Road for 5G Test (Jiulongpo District) was officially launched. On the test site, Pandauto tested the vehicle’s ability to respond to six scenarios in the 5G environment. China’s automatic driving has entered the road test stage, but there is still no unified standardized test evaluation system. Additionally, the currently closed test sites in China have low utilization efficiency, and the expressway test has not opened yet.

While the automatic driving R&D is progressing rapidly, the test evaluation system is unable to keep pace with it. At the two sessions this year, Gao Yu proposed to strengthen the top-level design at the national level. She hopes to build a complete and unified automatic driving test evaluation system as soon as possible. Additionally, it is also necessary to build a national platform for the exchange of basic data of intelligent driving vehicles.

Source: CQCB


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