Amerindian Concert: The Last of the Mohicans — Alexandro Querevalú

The performance of  Alexandro Querevalú.

Introduction: Alexandro Querevalú, an Amerindian-Polish musician, received 6.3 million hits for his Youtube video. Some commented that it was far more than art, and only those who are awed can have such mysterious and musical performances. If you have been bored with pop music and elegant classical music and are long for a new sound, Alexandro will bring you to a new life reverberated with the “music of nature.”

Features of Alexandro’s music: He plays Native American wind instruments (e.g., bamboo flutes) accompanied on a percussion instrument made of natural materials. Traditional Amerindian songs by the Native American dressed in characteristic Native American regalias present an unforgettable performance to the audience.

Time: 19:30, November 23, 2019    

Venue: Chongqing Cultural Palace Theater