Majestic Waterbirds Frequent Hanfeng Lake

The cold early winter has come as autumn gasps a dying breath. On the afternoon of November 18, large numbers of waterbirds were foraging, resting, and flying on Hanfeng Lake in Kaizhou District, Chongqing. The scale is breathtaking! Most of them are black-headed gulls, mallards, cormorants, and herons, all of which are frequenters of Hanfeng Lake in winter.


Experts introduced that most of these birds come from Northeast China and even remote Siberia, and they fly to the warmer south every winter. With plenty of water and lush grass, the charming Hanfeng Lake becomes an ideal place for them.

Waterbirds at Hanfeng Lake in Kaizhou District

Since the perennial impoundment of Hanfeng Lake, the water environment of the area has continuously improved, providing a comfortable habitat for various waterbirds. Early winter is the peak season for migratory birds to gather around the rippling lake, a paradise for them. The birds swim, play, and forage on the lake, making the calm surface lively and vigorous. What a perfect and harmonious natural landscape!