A 1.5-hour Drive for a Weekend Trip in a Wonderland of Ice and Snow

The boundless snow scenery of North China is available in the suburbs of Chongqing. A trip to Nanchuan District is highly appreciated this winter, involving icefalls, snow playing, skiing, and hot springs.

Self-driving route:

DAY1: Downtown — Lecun Icefall in Shuijiang Town — Fengchui Ridge

DAY2: Mount Jinfo — hot springs on Mount Jinfo — downtown

All the attractions on this route are located in Nanchuan District. Visitors can choose any of the three routes in case of a tight schedule. It is recommended to arrange accommodation in Mount Jinfo or urban areas of Nanchuan District.

  1. Lecun Icefall in Shuijiang Town

Lecun Icefall in Shuijiang Town

Icefall, one of the particularly scarce snow landscapes in South China, is embodied by the Lecun Icefall in the remote areas of Nanchuan District. Located near the main urban area, this grand icefall appears as stunning as those in western Sichuan. For the sake of convenience, visitors can travel along the following routes provided by netizens.

After leaving via the National Highway G65 at Shuijiang exit, visitors should turn right to drive along G319 for about 18 km. After passing the sign marked with “Wenqin Farmhouse,” visitors should turn right into township road and drive for about 8 km to the destination.

  1. Fengchui Ridge

After feasting on the engaging icefall, the next destination is the Fengchui Ridge where visitors can avoid heat in summer and play snow in winter.

At the Fengchuiling Reservoir next to Fengchuiling Camping Base, visitors can indulge themselves in the breath-taking views of beetling walls on one side and cliffs on the other. They can also overlook the countryside views under the mountain and the imposing Longyan Waterfall.

Fengchui Ridge

  1. Mount Jinfo

With favorable snow cover conditions and superior ski resorts, the Qianniuping and the North Slope Ski Resort on Mount Jinfo are highly-recommended destinations for skiing. Besides, visitors have access to the world’s most top-notch snow recreation facilities, such as snow ships, snow tubes, and snow karts.

Mount Jinfo

  1. Hot Springs on Mount Jinfo

After enjoying the snow view, visitors can unwind themselves physically and psychologically at the Jinsanquan Hot Spring in the north and the Tianxing Hot Spring in the west of Mount Jinfo.

Hot Springs on Mount Jinfo

Located in the north of Mount Jinfo, Jinsanquan Hot Spring features lush plants and fresh air, offering hot springs at three temperatures. In addition, many of the hot spring pools are built on the mountainside, with different effects. Tianxing Hot Spring enjoys more convenient transportation and higher popularity, while Jinsanquan Hot Spring is relatively secluded, with far fewer visitors.