Chongqing Reports 9 Confirmed Cases of New Coronavirus Pneumonia

Chongqing — According to the Chongqing Health Commission, by 24 o'clock January 22, Chongqing has reported nine confirmed cases of  pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus(2019-nCoV). Two cases have been confirmed in Wanzhou district, Yongchuan district and Wushan county,one in Changshou district, Fuling district and Dianjiang county. Among them, There were three severe cases, two in Wanzhou district and one in Wushan county.

At the moment, A total of 94 close contacts have been under medical observation.

In response to the recent outbreak of pneumonia caused by new coronavirus, Chongqing released timely and objective information on confirmed cases and taken measures to prevent and control the outbreak in time. Besides, Chongqing Municipal People's Government has made every effort to ensure the supply of materials and human resources, deployed strict arrangements for prevention and control, and resolutely checked the spread of the new coronavirus pneumonia, so as to ensure a happy and healthy Chinese New Year.

Please wash your hands regularly with soap and wear a mask if you are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms or traveling in a congested area such as a train or airport to help control the spread of the virus.