The International Netizens’ Supportive Response to ”I’m not a virus” Compaign

Chongqing - Due to the impact of the novel coronavirus, many overseas Chinese have been mistreated. However, the "#JenesuisPASunvirus (I'm not a virus)" campaign initiated by an Asian group in France on social media has vigorously defended themselves and fought against the prejudice and discrimination during the epidemic, which attracted substantial participation among Asians, and also gained support from the international netizens.

Chinese young people bravely speak out against discrimination on overseas social media

On Twitter, Chinese young people responded to the "#JenesuisPASunvirus (I'm not a virus) " campaign, protesting against the discrimination that spreads faster than the virus. Twitter account Lou Chengwang posted  "I'm Chinese. I'm not a virus! I know everyone is afraid of the virus, but please don't prejudice." The post has got 40,000 likes and retweeted 14,000 times.

Screenshot of the post on Twitter

As one of the campaign's originators in Spain, Liu Yang wrote on Twitter under the hashtag that "In the face of these current racist acts, we have launched similar activities (outside Spain). The disease does not differentiate between race or nationality. The fake information campaign we are launching against the coronavirus is called I am not a virus."

Screenshot of Liu Yang's post on Twitter

Global netizens are responding supportively to the anti-discrimination campaign

At the same time, many netizens expressed their support for the campaign of "#JenesuisPASvirus (I'm not a virus)". They condemned discrimination and prejudice during the epidemic and called for getting united to stand against the virus.

Screenshot of the post on Twitter

Screenshot of the post on twitter

Screenshot of the post on twitter.

Some young people also carried the campaign offline. On the bustling street of Florence, Italy, a young ethnic Chinese covered up in mask and scarf while holding a placard with the words, "I'm not a virus! I'm a human! Eradicate prejudice!" Many passers-by came over to take photographs and offered hugs. After the video was uploaded online, it once again aroused great resonance among netizens. International netizens left messages under the video shared by the People's Daily, China Twitter account to cheer for China and call for unity. "We can fight this epidemic. Let's show love and support. CHINA JIA YOU(Come on! China)" Some netizen commented.

Video by ASSOCIAZIONE UNIONE GIOVANT ITALO CINESI (Union of Young Italian-Chinese)

Screenshot of the post on Twitter

Screenshot of the post onTwitter

Screenshot of the post on Twitter