Smoke Trees in Youyang County Get Perfectly Red! Don’t Miss It!

In the wake of the passage of Hanlu or Cold Dew, the best time to appreciate red leaves at Shanyang Village, Banxi Town comes around. More than 800 meters above sea level, those rolling hills there are carpeted with red wild smoke trees, creating a colorful sight to behold.

The mountain becomes red in Youyang.

Shanyang Village is home to the largest area of red leaves in southeastern Chongqing, and mid-October to December is the best sightseeing time.

The mountain becomes red in Youyang.

Come this time every year; picturesque red leaves can be seen all over the place. Weathered by autumnal cold, smoke trees start to change color and take on every red color — bright red, dark red, scarlet, orange — as if it were a big palette.

The mountain becomes red in Youyang.

People go to Banxi Town to see breathtaking red leaves scenery every year and seem never to get tired of it. So, what's your time to see it this year?

Red leaves

Red leaves

Red leaves