First National Human Resources Services Conference Set to Promote Industry Development

Chongqing- The first National Conference on the Development of Human Resources Services has officially commenced in Chongqing Municipality Tuesday, with 700 foreign and domestic organizations, companies, and employers in the human resource service industry participating.

This conference has been sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Chongqing Municipal People’s Government and focused on development achievements in the human resources service industry.

The event provides a high-level national platform for high-quality development in the human resources service industry and plays an important role in promoting employment, entrepreneurship, and optimizing sources of talent.

Matters for discussion have been designed to promote rapid and healthy development in the human resources service industry, strengthening the connections between supply and demand and promoting industrial exchange under the theme of "New Era, New Energy, New Development."

The First National Conference on the Development of Human Resources Services opened at the Chongqing International Expo Center on July 28th. (iChongqing/James Alexander)

Meetings, competitions, exhibitions, and forums comprise the four main activities organized for this conference, which have brought together leaders from all levels of government and industry associations, as well as experts, scholars, and representatives from well-known human resource service organizations and key enterprises, both foreign and domestic.

Statistics showed that Chongqing Municipality was home to 2,155 service agencies in human resources with a yearly operating income of 48.95 billion yuan, which provided employment opportunities for a total of 3.165 million people.

China has a vast wealth of human resources. Data shows there are close to 900 million people in the labor force, over 100 million market players, and a talent pool also numbering in the hundreds of millions.

As a result, it is expected this first edition of the National Conference on the Development of Human Resources Services will create a productive environment for further development in the industry. The conference is scheduled to close Wednesday.