Smart City Technology Improves the Life Quality for Residents in China

Chongqing -As urbanization continues to grow, cities constantly expand. Many smart city technologies interconnect humans and cities in an intelligent, resource-saving manner, ensuring residents' safety and quality of life. Many exhibitors present their solutions for a smarter city at the Smart China Expo 2022 in Chongqing from August 22 to 24.

Smart Public Transportation System Facilitates Traffic Mobility

Smart transportation and intelligent city traffic management are revolutionizing the way mobility is promoted while reducing congestion on city streets. The bus priority system developed by Changsha Intelligent Driving Institute Ltd. stands out in the exhibition hall. Through vehicle-road cooperation and intelligent driving technology, the bus can provide live travel information such as its position, speed, acceleration, punctuality, and passenger capacity and automatically send a request for priority passage to the traffic signal controller 500 meters away from the intersection. To ensure priority, the traffic signal controller will respond with "red light cut-off" or "green light extension." At the same time, the bus equipped with the system also has functions including intelligent early warning, a three-dimensional panoramic view, intelligent information interaction, etc. Technology can reduce commuting time and make bus rides more comfortable. Therefore, more citizens will choose public transportation to contribute to a low-carbon society. Based on this solution, the company has transformed 18 routes and 120 vehicles in Chongqing.

Display of Proactive Bus Priority System at SCE2022 (iChongqing/Li Fangwang)

Smart Water Technology Optimizes Water Distribution Network 

In residential buildings, smart water networks are gradually replacing outdated water systems. As users, we don't see much difference since we use the tap water all the same without caring how it is pumped and distributed. However, the water utilities are quietly embracing transformation. Chongqing Baizhi Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the leading suppliers in Chongqing to develop and provide technologies that include hardware, software, and analytics to help water utilities to upgrade. Water utilities can use continuous monitoring, data collection, data analysis, and machine learning to determine the water demand and optimize distribution systems. Smart water technology solves leak detection, water efficiency, energy efficiency, water quality improvements, and more.

Display of Smart Water Network System at SCE2022 (iChongqing/Li Fangwang)

Firefighting UAV Assists Fire & Rescue

Today's drone technology has made it easier for firefighters to extinguish fires and save lives and properties. Some fire departments have adopted drones as a primary tool to increase firefighter safety and operational effectiveness. The company Zhongyue Aviation, situated in Bishan, Chongqing, manufactures UAVs for firefighting. According to them, firefighting and rescue are races against death. During a fire, time is of the essence. In light of this, a drone has two primary uses: initial detection and rescue. It can get airborne quickly, fly to the fire site, map the area affected by the fire, and share the location with all relevant agencies within a few minutes. It can also carry a whole range of sensors, including a thermal camera that supports multiple color spectrums of the thermogram. These sensors provide a better understanding of how the fire spreads and how fast it is spreading, which can be helpful for civil authorities in planning further relief efforts. Drones can be crucial in detecting, containing, and extinguishing fires to safeguard the city.  

Display of Firefighting UAV at SCE2022(iChongqing/Li Fangwang)

A smart city reaches beyond digital technologies, meaning smarter urban transport systems, better water supply networks, and better ways to safeguard the city's residents. A city can start with one part being incorporated into a smart city initiative. Step by step, different parts will connect and interact as a whole to provide a better future for residents.