Explore the Mystery of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Chongqing’s Folk TCM Museum

By Xiao Wu, EDITOR

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been practiced for thousands of years and continues to be very popular today both home and abroad. For those who hold curiosity about this fine and mysterious medicine practice, here is a place in Chongqing you can visit to work out your wondering – Folk Traditional Chinese  Medicine Museum.

Folk Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum is located No.90 Liziba Street, Yuzhong district,Chongqing.

The Folk Traditional Chinese  Medicine Museum is a private museum established in 1990s. It is located on No.90 Liziba Street of Chongqing downtown. Its owner is the master of TCM- Liu Guangrui. Mr Liu is the descendant of Liu’s Needling Therapy, which is a TCM practice on the national intangible heritage list. He also runs the traditional Chinese medicine clinic called Shaolintang.

Mr Liu's Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic - Shaolintang.

In the museum , you can find more than 30,000 TCM antiques, pictures and samples, covering traditional folk medicine of Tibet, Mongolia, Uygur, Zhuang minority,etc. with a span of Neolithic Period, Shang Dynasty (1600 BC – 1046 BC), the Pre-Qin Dynasty, Han Dynasty(202 BC - 220 AD ), etc.

Bronze Incense Burner of Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC- 256 BC)

The TCM knowledge on display in Folk TCM Museum.

The TCM knowledge on display in Folk TCM Museum.

Most of the collection in the museum are contributed by Mr Liu and his father.  At a very young age, he followed his father to practice TCM around provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. Meanwhile, through communication with local eminent doctors of TCM, they collected ancient medicine books all the way. 

Medicine classics in Folk TCM Museum.

The museum is open all year round and free of charge.

Source: CQCB