The Magnificent Light Show Ignited the Night of Wanzhou

By Xinyi Li, EDITOR  video/photo by Wang Yiling

A spectacular light show stunned the visitors on November 8 in Wanzhou Chongqing. As part of the 9th China Yangtze River Three Gorges International Tourism Festival, the show interacted with the Concert of World Great Rivers.

There is a huge 50x180m “stage” floating on the Yangtze River. It is about 50 meters away from the riverbank. Based on 3D holographic projection, the event changed the night of Wanzhou into a wonderland. The show including 3 parts: The Thematic Light Show on the Yangtze River, the Decorative Light Show on the riverbanks, and the Interactive Carnival of Light Show.

The show presents a Sichuan Opera on the stage

It provides a multimedia laser matrix, which locates on top of buildings on the opposite side of the river. The light and the shadows show will depict the silhouette of the buildings and the waters. Otherwise, there is a fountain and the fireworks device. The fountain can spray up to 60m high. The show realizes the blockbuster’s quality, the epic style, as well as the tourist brand.

The episode of "phoenix's rebirth"

There are 5 episodes of the light show, “round ancient”, “river charm”, “feed songs”, “phoenix’s rebirth”, and “beautiful hometown”. The light shows attract many people to enjoy the show as well as take photos.

The episode of "river charm"

Tips: the show will last until November 13