Video: When Shanwangping Park Covered with Snow

By Yuling Chen, EDITOR

The snow of the last few days has created beautiful winter scenery in Chongqing. In the National Karst Ecological Park of Shanwangping, the magnificent immense forest has been covered with snow, looking distinctive and beautiful.

The National Karst Ecological Park of Shanwangping in Chongqing, China

The National Karst Ecological Park of Shanwangping is 1,300 meters above sea level. Through the UAV, we can see the towering snow mountain stand in the distance, with its green forest turning silver.

On the one side of the path, the evergreen Cryptomeria fortunei seems more verdant and towering in white light clothing. And on the other side, the deciduous metasequoia is totally white and dazzling.

For more, please watch the video:

Source: CQCB


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