Italian Gas Company Would Like to Seek Partners in SW China’s Chongqing

The 2nd Asia-Europe Cooperation Dialogue opens in SW China’s Chongqing on December 2, 2019. Attendees were more than 400 guests form governments, the business community, and academic circles from 21 countries and regions and three international organizations. 

Matteo Tanteri, CEO of SNAM China, took an interview and said, "Chongqing is in the good position of the Belt and Road and the Yangtze River Economic Belt." He added, "For us, what’s most important is that your city is one main point for gas storage. We would partner companies here."

Mr. Matteo Tanteri also shared his view on the biggest global challenge of the global economy, the business environment of China and his company's cooperation intention in Chongqing. For more details, please check out the video.