Say Goodbye to 2019, Welcome the Year of Rat

Fri. Jan.20, 2020

We're preparing to enter the year of the rat, at the start of a new decade, which occurs once every 60 years. I'm just happy to have submitted all my student's marks and have shelved a stupendous pile of essays and final exam papers. Today nothing is on the agenda. It feels good. New is going around about a bad cold or virus in Wuhan, but that feels worlds away from me.

I drink a strong pot of coffee and stare out the window. It's been a tough few months health-wise since I returned from a summer trip to Europe. First shingles, then a few bad colds, there's always a student coughing or sneezing, and it's been hard to stay healthy. I've just turned 40. Am I old now?

My wife and I take a little walk in the sun. We walk down to Starbucks. She has a hot caramel macchiato, and I take a slow brew ice coffee, and we go and sit in an outdoor amphitheater. Children and grandmothers play together. A small girl, dressed in bright colors and with her hair in cute pigtails hops next to me, and I move my coffee quickly. She giggles, hops away, and back again. I take a long sip. My wife tells me to slow down. That's the plan.

Kai, Xiaolin, and friend Abbie

I make a big batch of hummus hoping to "kill the virus with extra garlic," in case it comes this way. It's really spicy. She won't touch the stuff, though.

Later, I hit the gym, and it feels good to sweat. I'm not a strong swimmer, but ten laps in the pool feel good, then some walking cardio and an hour pumping iron.

Xiaolin is practicing salsa dance in the open class area. Her salsa club and singing classes are on break for the lunar new year holiday. We hope after all the family dinners to find a nice cheap travel deal to somewhere warm.