Living with COVID④ Overseas students share how they are faring during the outbreak

Chongqing - Living with COVID-19 Overseas students

During this COVID-19 epidemic, thousands of ex-pats in Chongqing are performing self-quarantine at home.

How are they handling all the difficulties of this challenging time? Are they safe, and do they have enough support from the local government and community?

In this series 'Living with COVID-19,' iChongqing is reaching out to them online to share their stories.

So far, we have spoken with a number of professionals across industries and disciplines. Today, however, we invited three young overseas university students to the program, so that we could hear their different perspectives and experience of the crisis.

During the interview, the students were clearly in high spirits, and eagerly shared their daily lives, feelings, and thoughts on how the authorities are handling the crisis.

Many thanks to Mustapha Tsakuwa of Nigeria (Left), Enyiazu Adanne of Nigeria (Middle), and last but not least, Mohamed Shawki of Egypt (Right) for their enthusiasm and openness throughout the interview.

Over the course of the outbreak, we will continue reaching out to the expatriate community, and share their stories as the crisis unfolds.

Watch other episodes in our COVID series;

Ian Beyer joins iChongqing to share his experiences of 24 hour quarantine in Bishan District.

Famous Youtube vloggers Gweilo and Reportify Media join iChongqing to share thoughts on the COVID-19 crisis.


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