Organic Produce Raises Household Income in Zhongyi Township – James’ Vlog

Chongqing- Now that the township of Zhongyi and Huaxi village enjoy the benefits of guaranteed quality housing, education, and medical care, the road to prosperity also require the development of the rural economy so that households can increase their income and rise further out of poverty.

A striking example around Zhongyi is the wide range of organic produce that locals grow in the fertile lands around the township, then make use of modern technology to innovate in packaging and access customers nationwide.


Inside the Huaxi village post office, visitors can see an impressive range of organic produce that includes native herbs, such as water shield. Among the samples that staff generously allowed visitors to try was a drink contained in a special bottle for which the technique has been patented. 

In addition to the sale of organic produce and customary village postal services, the post office also offers more features of interest to the visitor.

iChongqing reporter James stands before the Huaxi village post office where locals have a display of organic produce for general sale