Watch ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse in Diverse Ways on the Summer Solstice

On the afternoon of June 21, the 'Ring of Fire' solar eclipse considered to be the most spectacular of the century occurred. Due to the clouds and deviation of the annular eclipse path, Chongqing residents failed to view the best look of the eclipse, but only saw a part of the annular eclipse through the gap between the clouds for a short time.

This annular eclipse is also called "golden-rim annular solar eclipse," a kind of annular eclipse that over 99% of the sun will be covered when the annular eclipse is at its peak, leaving only a ring of the golden rim, which is highly rare. The annular eclipse could be viewed in many places in China this afternoon, marking the second annular eclipse during the past eight years in China.

At 14:11, the annular eclipse begins.

At 14:13, the annular eclipse continues in the sky above Chongqing.

At 15:48, the annular eclipse reaches its peak, leaving only the golden rim of the sun in the clouds.

A partial solar eclipse is seen through a gap in the clouds.

Regardless of the recent cloudy weather, Chongqing residents and astronomy fans viewed the annular eclipse in diverse ways.

People are shooting the annular eclipse with their mobile phones at Chaotianmen.