Chongqing Travel Guide: Goose Feast, the Must-Relish Cuisine in Rongchang

Chongqing - There are many sumptuous delicacies to encounter on a journey through the Rongchang district, and the goose feast is undoubtedly one of the most examples.

In this episode, we visited Rongchang Sanhui Goose Restaurant, a local culinary brand where all the meat dishes are made of goose, among which goose meatball and braised goose wowed everyone. Marveling at the chef’s knife skills, we witnessed how the whole goose was deboned without falling into pieces and how tender the meatball was after 6-hour steaming. The braised goose holds a strong aroma of spices, making diners salivate and lose control of their fingers. In the mouth, the skin is crispy, and the flesh is tender with a delicious aftertaste. To upgrade the spicy level, you just dip the seasoning at your hand.

The content is co-produced by Li Fangwang and Gao Chao.