Buzzword: 2023 Two Sessions Episode 7: Strategic Capabilities

Chongqing - Welcome to Buzzword: 2023 Two Sessions. I'm Bridget from Bridging News, and today's buzzword is "Strategic Capabilities."

On March 8, Chinese President Xi Jinping attended a plenary meeting of the delegation of the People's Liberation Army and the People's Armed Police Force during the first session of the 14th National People's Congress in Beijing. In his speech, Xi emphasized the importance of consolidating and enhancing China's integrated national strategies and strategic capabilities, which are crucial to building a modern socialist nation, achieving the goals for the PLA by its centenary in 2027, and turning the PLA into a world-class force.

Xi called for efforts to integrate the strategic layouts, resources, and strengths in all areas in order to systematically upgrade the country's overall strength and cope with strategic risks, safeguard strategic interests, and realize strategic objectives. He also highlighted the need to intensify strategic capabilities in emerging fields to pursue new advantages in national development and international competition while enhancing the resilience of industrial and supply chains.

Furthermore, Xi emphasized the importance of reform and innovation, calling for solutions-oriented thinking and continuous improvement of policy-making systems.

Xi urged the public to care about, participate in, and help safeguard the national defense system, so that strength can be gathered and used to consolidate and enhance integrated national strategies and strategic capabilities.

In summary, "Strategic Capabilities" refers to the importance of consolidating and enhancing China's integrated national strategies and capabilities to upgrade the country's overall strength, cope with strategic risks, safeguard strategic interests, and realize strategic objectives. Efforts in emerging fields and the resilience of industrial and supply chains must be enhanced, and reform and innovation are crucial for achieving these goals.