International Students in Chongqing Experience the Charm of Dazu Rock Carvings Culture

Chongqing - The 11th Dazu Rock Carvings International Tourism and Culture Festival and the first "Beautiful China · Dazu" International Tourism Exchange event recently commenced. As part of the festival, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications (CQUPT) and Chongqing University (CQU) organized a research trip to Dazu for 18 international students from Thailand, Laos, Pakistan, Yemen, and other countries on March 10.

The international students were enthralled by the intricate and majestic rock carving statue group at Baoding Mountain during the excursion. While capturing pictures of the remarkable rock carvings on their mobile phones, they attentively listened to the tour guide.

Under the tour leader's guidance, the group later visited the Dazu Rock Carvings Cultural and Creative Park. As they entered the exhibition hall, the international students were immediately captivated by the remarkable works of art displayed in the booths, marveling at the lifelike pieces carved by modern artists.