School Sparks Hopes for Hundreds of Special Families

Chongqing - Ran Ran dashed out of her ongoing class, past her stoic classmates towards the calming sanctuary of the garden downstairs. Diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, Ran is allowed to leave for the garden whenever she needs. 

Ran is not the only student with special education needs at Xingguang School, a general primary school in Chongqing Liangjiang New Area that has been implementing inclusive education since its establishment in 2008. This approach kindles hope for many students and their families.

Campus site of Xingguang School. (Photo/Xingguang School)

"I was astounded when Ran was enrolled four years ago. She was physically much smaller than average students her age and could have an emotional outburst at any time. She hardly kept quiet, always disrupted classes, and sometimes even turned violent," recalled Zhang Lingling, the head teacher of Ran's class.

Ran's parents felt so hopeless that they considered enrolling her in a special education school. They asked Zhang for advice, but Zhang was determined not to give up on her.

"As a mother, I know what a child means to a family, and I wanted to help," Zhang said. She saw a kind heart in Ran, who covered her with a coat while napping in the office, saying, "I can't bear the idea of her at a special school. She is ill, and we're going to help her."

The key idea was to find her talent and never differentiate her from her classmates. To Ran's classmates, she became "our own Henri Fabre," a French entomologist, as she always discovered different insects in the garden and took excellent care of the plants.

"Her classmates appreciate her talent. They know she gets angry sometimes but is improving at controlling it. We accept her, comfort her, and make her feel better, as she is one of us," Zhang said.

Now in fourth grade, Ran still needs her calming place occasionally, but at a much lower frequency. "At the school sports event weeks ago, she performed at the opening ceremony and even ran a relay race," Zhang said, beaming with pride.

For students with special needs, growing up with ordinary kids is beneficial for their social development and stimulates their potential, increasing their chances of living an ordinary life, according to Jiang Hua, a psychological expert hired by the school.

Composed of psychological experts, teachers, and a family liaison center, the inclusive education framework of Xingguang School enables joint efforts from the school and family to help students with special needs. "Both sides should play their indispensable part to face reality, accept their child as they are, and do what is needed to help the child grow and develop," Jiang elaborated.

Under the framework, teachers are trained to identify and help students with special needs using extra care and proper approaches, while psychological experts offer regular training courses and ad hoc counseling.

Since 2014, Xingguang School has accepted 386 students with special needs. 270 students improved significantly, and over 100 won awards at or above the municipal level.

Changes also occurred among ordinary students. During a recent school outing, a mischievous boy held Ran's hand to help her walk down a mountain path. A girl in her class volunteered to "take care of her" when Ran struggled with dictation. "They care for others, especially those in need. That's what I believe to be a successful education," Zhang said.

Ran Ran is a pseudonym to protect the privacy of the underage student.

(Original Author: Guo Shuyu from Liangjiang New Area Media Center)