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Huawei Fosters Kunpeng Eco-system in Chongqing, Upgrading Chongqing's Industries

By RUI HU|Aug 31,2019


On August 28 and during the 2019 Smart China Expo (SCE), Huawei and Chongqing Municipal People’s Government reached a strategic cooperation agreement to build a safe and credible computing eco-system of Huawei Kunpeng. They will establish Huawei Kunpeng Chongqing Center for supporting Chongqing’s efforts in developing China’s computing highland based on “5G+Cloud+AI”.

Huawei and Chongqing Municipal People’s Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement.

Kunpeng Eco-system in full swing

Huawei Kunpeng Chongqing Center will be built in Chongqing Xiyong Micro-electronics Industrial Park. It is China’s largest professional microelectronics park under the approval of the State Council and has become a critical design and production base of intelligent terminal globally after only ten years. The Park is committed to developing such intellectual industries as integrated circuits, intelligent terminals, big data for the integrated circuit, automotive electronics, etc. Thus the establishment of this center will accelerate their digital transformation in Chongqing and give an impetus to the economic growth. The Center will take Huawei Kunpeng chipset as the core, aiming to drive the construction of Kunpeng Computing Industrial Park and safe and credible Kunpeng Computing Industry Incubation Platform. The physical platforms of the data center, industrial development zone, eco-system demonstration zone, Kunpeng lab, etc. are all in the plan.

This eco-system will be powered by Kunpeng talent cultivation program, innovation and investment fund of Kunpeng computing industry, national authentication center of Kunpeng industry, related industry association, and others. As an essential part of the Kunpeng Eco-system, Huawei Cloud also partnered with the municipal government, universities, and colleges, and local enterprises to launch Cloud for Good: Chongqing Kunpeng Lingyun Talent Development Program. It will develop Kunpeng-related courses and build labs in universities and colleges and equip them with Huawei TaiShan Server samples to support the study of Kunpeng Cloud platform. Then, an integrated professional talent development system, which covers train and certification, will be constructed to satisfy Chongqing’s needs for talent. Huawei will also co-build a new development pattern for ICT talent in this city.

Huawei will co-build a new development pattern for ICT talent in Chongqing.

Industrial smart upgrade in vigorous growth

Building new highland for the digital economy. On that day, the Huawei Artificial Intelligence Innovation Center (Chongqing) was opened in Liangjiang New Area. It will pool the resources of a chip, software, terminal, cloud computing, and others of Liangjiang New Area and Chongqing, thus boosting the construction of a digital economy benchmark in the Area. The Center has been built collaboratively by Chongqing Economic and Information Technology Commission, Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Administration Committee, Huawei Software Technology Co., Ltd., and Chinasoft International Limited. After its completion, the Center will give full play to the demonstration of Kunpeng Eco-system and leading enterprises and satisfy the development needs in artificial intelligence of Liangjiang New Area, thus accelerating Chongqing’s paces in building itself into a new highland of the digital economy. The 2019 SCE also witnessed a series of in-depth cooperation between Chongqing and Huawei, which, based on its advanced ICT experience for 30 years, will facilitate the industry transformation and upgrade in Chongqing. Chongqing Economic and Information Technology Commission, Chongqing Yubei People’s Government, and Huawei will step further in their cooperation on Huawei DevCloud and support the construction of China’s software innovation base. Under the incubation and assistance of DevCloud, Xiantao Big Data Valley is striving to build a software center. It plans to gather 1,000 software and related enterprises, cultivate over 100,000 software developers, create five public service platforms for industrial development, and develop five domestic famous software enterprises within ten years. Then, the output of the software industry will exceed RMB 100 billion, and related industries, valuing RMB 200 billion, will also be driven.

Kunpeng Eco-system opens a new multi-hash rate situation

The rapid development of 5G has given rise to the demand for complex and diversified computing, and such an industry development trend also requires cloud services to provide diversified hash rate. Kunpeng Eco-system came into existence precisely as the situation demands. Taking chips as the core, Huawei Cloud provides various computing power, including Kunpeng, Ascend, and even GPU, FPGA and the accelerator, to support the migration of diverse applications to the cloud, including video processing, mobile apps, artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT). It could offer the best performance, cost performance, and energy efficiency ratio. With Kunpeng Eco-system at the core, Huawei Cloud has also brought a range of solutions for both government and enterprise scenarios, involving industries like the government, finance, energy, game, and cultural recreation. Based on Kunpeng All-round Cloud, which owns a full series of independent intellectual property products, Huawei provides secure and trusted end-to-end cloud services and application ecology for customers. Up to now, it has deployed more than 100,000 Kunpeng devices (including servers, storage, network equipment, etc.) in the Global Data Center, with an average monthly user number of more than 300,000, which strongly supports the business activities of research and development, production and office. In the future, Huawei will cooperate with its partners to comprehensively promote the development of Kunpeng Eco-system and give priority to support the computing products based on Kunpeng processors of its partners in the market. At present, the first Kunpeng Government Cloud in China has completed the verification and partial relocation, which is used to support eBeijing, Mobile Public Service Platform, Cloud Housekeeper, and other businesses. In addition, it has been applied in Cocos, Inner Mongolia Ecological and Agricultural Meteorological Center, Fujian Jiuze Technology Group, Shenzhen Jieshun Science and Technology Industry Co., Ltd. and other industrial customers. Moreover, 25 partners such as Chinasoft International Limited, iSSTECH, Yonyou, and SIPM have participated in the Kunpeng Lingyun Partnership Plan.

For developers, Huawei has also built an online Kunpeng community, which can provide functions and services such as accelerator libraries, compilers, toolchains, and open-source operating systems, and help partners and developers quickly master the migration and optimization capabilities of systems, compilers, and applications to co-create an era of diverse computing. By virtue of the Kunpeng Eco-system, Huawei vigorously develops high-end servers and cloud services, further integrate the whole chain of chips, servers, and network applications, and introduces enterprises related to Kunpeng upstream and downstream industrial chain to Kunpeng Computing Industrial Park, giving full play to the empowering effect of Kunpeng Eco-system.

Injecting core power into the smart industry, and feeling the current Huawei technology into this Smart China Expo, Huawei built a 500m2exhibition stand under the theme of Building a Smart World of Internet of Everything to fully showcase its smart equipment and solutions in the field of smart industry. In the exhibition stand area, it also displayed the strategic blueprint of Kunpeng Eco-system, 5G, all-field chips, and numerous experience-oriented industry solutions. The collective appearance of core technologies highlights Huawei’s years of accumulation in the two major fields of “base of digital China” and “industry + AI.” Against the background of the rapid rise of the smart industry with huge demand and great market potential, Huawei works with industrial partners to build the Kunpeng Eco-system to bring every person, every family, and every organization into the digital world, and thus build a smart world of Internet of Everything.


New Era, New Journey, New Chongqing

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