Cartoon Show: Sichuan Panda Invites You to Visit Dazu

This cartoon show Encountering Through a Millennium (II) —Piperess of Dazu Rock Carvings Meets Panda from Sichuan introduces Dazu district in Chongqing as a "bridgehead" city. In contrast, Dazu is located in the heart of the Chengdu-Chongqing region and borders Sichuan, it serves the first gateway to the west of Chongqing and the east of Sichuan on the Chengdu-Chongqing axis, thus boasting an important geographical location.

Besides, in this show, Piperess introduced Dazu 3 featured tourism resources and cultural goods, which including rock carving, and it has been reputed to be "the hardware capital of Western China," and the third advantage is strontium selenide.
Thus, this video recommends all visitors from all over the world visit Dazu, one of the eight grottoes in the world, which is also the only listed world cultural heritage in Chongqing.