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'Natural Treasures' European Photo Exhibition Highlights Natural Beauty in Chongqing

By KAI WOOD|Apr 11,2022

Chongqing - The Natural Treasures of the Visegrad Group Nature Photo Exhibition, hosted by the Consulate General offices of Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Poland, hosted an opening ceremony to celebrate the exhibition launch on April 8 at Eling Park.

It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon, and fragrant flowers danced in a gentle breeze. A bubbling, happy crowd of diplomats, government officials, and gallerists were in attendance to hear speeches from the organizers and the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government.

The Visegrad Group – V4 for short – is an alliance of four eastern and central European states: Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. They take their name from the Hungarian city of Visegrad, where kings once met for economic and political negotiations.

"It's my honor to introduce to the Chinese people the beauties of the Visegrad Group member states, said Gergely Kádár, Hungarian Consul General to Chongqing. "We decided to choose Eling Park because of the closeness to nature and beauty, as well as the cultural connection to Hungary." Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the Czech and Polish Consul Generals from Chengdu couldn't be in attendance but they sent video greetings for the exhibition launch.

Gergely Kádár, Hungarian Consular General in Chongqing and organizer of the event, giving a commencement speech.

Gergely Kádár, Hungarian Consul General in Chongqing and organizer of the event, welcomed the guests.

After, Li Minquan, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs, quoted a recent speech by President Xi Jinping to the EU regarding Chinese-European cooperation. "President Xi's speech has provided us with guidelines to follow in deepening our friendship with European countries." He stated that "economy and trade are the keys, people to people exchange are the bridge, to build the belt and road together." He described Chinese-European relations at the  local level as 'flourishing.'

Li Minquan, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs spoke at the opening ceremony, wishing the exhibition and continued Chinese-European cooperation great success.

Li Minquan, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs, spoke at the opening ceremony, wishing the exhibition and continued Chinese-European cooperation great success.

He congratulated Hungary as the current V4 president for carrying out a successful series of activities with the motto of 'Recharging Europe,' which has significantly forged a broader friendship between Chongqing and the V4.

Various distinguished guests attended the event, including the CG's for The Netherlands, Japan, several local government representatives and the event hosts, local representatives of the V4 members.

Foreign diplomats and local officials took part in the event.

After the speeches, the crowd moved inside the Gallery of the Min'ge Central Painting Institute at Eling Park to see the beautiful nature photos of the Visegrad Group countries. Hungarian Consul General and host Gergely Kádár introduced some of the artwork and explained that each V4 country had contributed 15 natural photographs to the exhibition.

The photographers displayed diverse landscapes and natural scenes of their homelands. The candid photos often displayed serene moments of beautiful tranquility and intimate snapshots of animals, evoking the undisturbed natural world's spectacular vitality and beauty.

The Incoming Eurasian Eagile-owl by J. Zumr st. of the Czech Republic.

The Incoming Eurasian Eagle-owl by J. Zumr st. of the Czech Republic.

The Edible Frog among raindrops by J. Zumr st of the Czech Republic.

The Edible Frog among raindrops by J. Zumr st of the Czech Republic.

The European Fallow Deer by Jaroslav Pešat of the Czech Republic.

The European Fallow Deer by Jaroslav Pešat of the Czech Republic.

The Scare Swallowtail by Jan Kopecký of the Czech Republic.

The Scare Swallowtail by Jan Kopecký of the Czech Republic.

The view from Csobánc by Péter Molnár

The view from Csobánc by Péter Molnár of Hungary.

CG Gergely Kardar introduces 'Hungarian Steppe Cattle' by Mészáros László of Hungary.

Hungarian Consul General to Chongqing Gergely Kádár introduces 'Hungarian Steppe Cattle' by Mészáros László of Hungary.

Giant Mountains by Katarzyna Gubrynowicz of Hungary

The giant Mountains by Katarzyna Gubrynowicz of Hungary

Wolves in the wilderness at the Białowieża Forest by Adam Buszko of Poland

Wolves in the wilderness at the Białowieża Forest by Adam Buszko of Poland.

Lakeland of Brodnica by Miron Bogacki of Poland

Lakeland of Brodnica by Miron Bogacki of Poland.

European Bison by Michal Kosc of Poland.

European Bison by Michal Kosc of Poland.

Foggy morning by Ivan Godál of Slovakia

Foggy morning by Ivan Godál of Slovakia

In storm by Jakub Mrocek of Slovakia

In the storm by Jakub Mrocek of Slovakia.

Family by Dominik Kalata of Slovakia

Family by Dominik Kalata of Slovakia.

Silent Company by František Hromada of Slovakia.

Silent Company by František Hromada of Slovakia.

All 60 photographs were stunning in their details, colors, focus, and intimate expression of the natural beauty of Hungary, The Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia. 

From left to right, Jorah Kai, Gergely Kádár, Xiaolin Wang and Bálint Czégel.

From left to right, Jorah Kai, Gergely Kádár, Xiaolin Wang and Bálint Czégel.

After hours of hiking around Eling Park, soaking up the sun, beautiful fragrant flowers, and fresh air with one of the best mountain views of Chongqing to be had, this nature photo exhibition was a great way to spend the afternoon.

A delicious assortment of traditional Hungarian desserts and snacks.

A delicious assortment of traditional Hungarian desserts and snacks.

The Natural Treasures of the Visegrad Group Nature Photo Exhibition is open to the public and ongoing until May 13 at Eling Park at the Gallery of the Min'ge Central Painting Institute.


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