American in China Loves Shopping

Chongqing - Reporter Alex from iChongqing conducts an exclusive interview with Colin Abroadcast, the intrepid explorer known for his captivating YouTube channel. 

Colin's adventures take him to markets worldwide, where he showcases his remarkable techniques for bargaining and uncovering hidden gems. In this special episode, Colin sets his sights on Chongqing, a vibrant city with cultural richness. 

Colin Abroadcast's YouTube channel is a treasure trove of immersive experiences, where he delves into the art of bargaining like no other. With an expert eye for value and a deep understanding of local customs, Colin navigates bustling markets with finesse, securing unique and sought-after items at incredible prices. Throughout this exclusive interview, Colin shares his insider tips, tricks, and stories about the bargaining techniques he has honed during his global explorations. From the winding alleys of Moroccan souks to the vibrant bazaars of Istanbul, Colin's experiences and insights provide viewers with a masterclass in negotiating for goods across diverse cultures. 

Get ready to learn the secrets of successful bargaining as Collin Abroadcast showcases his savvy tactics, including the power of patience, the importance of building rapport, and the art of finding common ground. He reveals the transformative effect of understanding local customs, language nuances, and the cultural significance behind each item, allowing him to strike deals that satisfy both buyer and seller. 

In this episode, Collin takes us on a captivating journey through Chongqing, a city renowned for its bustling markets and vibrant atmosphere. He shares his strategies for navigating through the maze of stalls, connecting with local traders, and uncovering hidden treasures that reflect the region's unique heritage.