iChongqing Title

Chongqing Introduces Measures to Enhance Business Environment in 2023

By TAN XINYU|Mar 20,2024

This photo, taken on October 30, 2023, shows the city view of southwest China's Chongqing Municipality. (Photo/Xinhua)

Chongqing released a key task list in 2023 to optimize its business environment and boost market vitality. The list covers 108 measures in 18 aspects. Chongqing is set to deepen the innovation pilot city construction for the business environment, focusing on solving the difficulties that hinder business entities' establishment, operation, and development.

Here are some highlights below.

Market access

Fully implement the negative list for market access, upgrade the functionalities of the "E企办" (a service platform for enterprises), and reduce the processing time for the entire business license, taxation, social security, and other matters process to 0.5 days.

Construction permits

Implement segmented processing for construction permits for housing construction projects to improve the efficiency of the entire approval process. The processing time for construction permits for general social investment projects will be reduced from 50 working days to 45 working days.

Property registration

Focus on enhancing the convenience of land acquisition and certification for enterprises, promote the "land acquisition equals commencement" principle for industrial (warehousing) projects with planned land allocation, and achieve "exemption from review and immediate issuance" for land planning permits for newly allocated land construction projects, among other things.

Municipal public utility infrastructure registration and installation

Accelerate the construction of an integrated one-stop service platform for water, electricity, and gas utilities, reducing the time required for service access. The processing time for water utility registration and installation shall not exceed eight working days, and for gas utility registration and installation shall not exceed ten working days.

Labor and employment

Enhance social insurance policies for key groups such as flexible workers. Implement employment policies such as one-time entrepreneurship subsidies, allowing for automatic eligibility and direct and expedited subsidies.

Access to financial services

Standardize loan intermediary behaviors and continuously promote fee reductions and benefits in areas such as bank account services, RMB settlement, electronic payments, and collateral registration. Promote online lending and rollover financing, and optimize loan approval process and efficiency.

International trade

Implement targeted assistance for foreign trade enterprises with policies tailored to each enterprise, integrate customs clearance service windows, and adopt a one-stop approach for on-site customs clearance processes. Promote the utilization of intelligent customs clearance functions through a single window.


Streamline the stamp duty declaration process, promote the use of digital electronic invoices, enhance tax guidance services for taxpayers, and advance the proper resolution of tax disputes.

Resolving business disputes

Focus on launching special initiatives to prevent and resolve arrears of payments owed to small and medium-sized enterprises. Accelerate the construction of the Chongqing Digital Smart Court and optimize arbitration mechanisms.


Key efforts should be made to increase the proportion of bankruptcy cases processed through simplified procedures. Policies to reduce taxes and fees on the disposal of bankruptcy assets should be enforced to lower the cost of handling bankruptcy cases.


Key emphasis should be placed on strengthening the supervision and enforcement of antitrust and anti-unfair competition laws, rigorously cracking down on abuses of market dominance, and misuse of administrative power to exclude or restrict competition.

Optimizing the environment for technological innovation

Key emphasis should be placed on enhancing the status of enterprises as the main entities driving technological innovation, increasing support for credit to technology-based enterprises, accelerating the cultivation of more innovative and high-quality business entities, and constructing scaled, specialized, and high-quality incubation platforms.

Creation, protection, and utilization of intellectual property rights

Implement the "Ten-Billion-Yuan Financing" initiative for intellectual property rights, promoting increased scale and coverage of intellectual property rights pledge financing. Accelerate the transformation and application of technological achievements such as patents, enhancing the efficiency of utilizing intellectual property rights.

Government procurement

Comprehensively promote the utilization of non-cash methods such as electronic letters of guarantee for various types of deposits, advocate the use of letters of credit to substitute various forms of deposits, and encourage the shared utilization of electronic certificates and credit information throughout the procurement project life cycle.

Tendering and bidding

Carry out special campaigns to optimize the business environment in the tendering and investment fields, eliminating various unreasonable restrictions and barriers. Encourage the exemption of bid security for enterprises listed on the "red list" for Chongqing engineering construction tendering and bidding.

Market supervision

Enhance supervision rules and standards, deepen the implementation of the "double random, one public" supervision mechanism (which involves randomly selecting inspection targets and enforcement inspectors during regulatory activities and promptly disclosing the inspection procedures, findings, and outcomes to the public), refine the rules of law enforcement procedures, and comprehensively promote strict, standardized, fair, and civilized law enforcement.

Government services

Advance the "one-stop" online handling of over 50 types of affairs, ranging from business registration to closure and from newborn registration to posthumous affairs for citizens. Promote the reform of cross-city integrated services between Sichuan and Chongqing.

Inclusiveness and universality

Focus on key areas such as market openness, basic public services, ecological environment, and transportation, aiming to enhance the satisfaction and sense of gains for enterprises and the general public.

This article is updated on March 19, 2024.

(Ren Xiaoyu, as an intern, also contributed to this article.)


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