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Let's Meet aired on June 5 : Chongqing-A Thriving Hub for Global Technological Collaboration


The first all-English international broadcast program in Chongqing, "Let's Meet," produced by the Western China International Communication Organization,will be aired on Chongqing Satellite TV on June 5.

Chongqing: A Thriving Hub for Global Technological Collaboration

Chongqing, a city brimming with vitality, is rapidly emerging as a crucial hub for global technological collaboration. Recognized as the primary productive force, science and technology have driven the growth of strategic emerging industries, from new energy to healthcare. Chongqing's research teams, with their outstanding achievements, are continuously fueling the city's industrial development.

Mayor of Autun Advocates for Strengthening Sino-French Educational and Cultural Exchange

In the context of globalization, cultural and educational exchanges have become essential bridges connecting nations. Recently, the Mayor of Autun appeared on the program "Dialogue with the World" to advocate for deeper cooperation between China and France in the fields of education and culture.Through student exchange programs, joint research initiatives, and cultural activities, young people from both countries would have more opportunities to learn about and experience each other's cultures and values. This not only broadens their international perspectives but also lays a solid foundation for the future development of both nations.

Exploring Wuxi County's Eagle Tea

Chongqing's Eagle Tea has become an indispensable cooling beverage in the scorching summer heat. This tea not only wins the hearts of both domestic and international tourists with its unique flavor and remarkable cooling effect but is also regarded as a special gift from the mountains to the "furnace city" of Chongqing.  As a traditional tea with a long history, Eagle Tea carries rich regional culture and folklore. 

He Qin: International Law Empowers Public with Independent Thinking

In Chongqing, there is an outstanding woman who has built a solid legal bridge between China and the world with her profound knowledge of international law. She is He Qin, a legal expert dedicated to teaching and researching international law and actively involved in international exchanges and cooperation.

Professor He Qin is renowned in the academic community, and her work has profoundly impacted society on a broader social level. She firmly believes that international law is not just a set of rules between nations but an essential tool that empowers the public to think independently. Through her efforts, more and more people have begun to understand and appreciate the importance of international law.

James Clarke and Da Shan Arrive in Chongqing

James Clarke, an Australian blogger with 200,000 followers on TikTok, recently arrived in Chongqing. One of his first stops was to try Chongqing Xiao Mian, a beloved local noodle dish. How will this self-proclaimed "China expert" from Australia rate our Chongqing Xiao Mian?

Nanchuan District's Sea of Clouds Waterfall Sparks Heated Discussion

Recently, a video showcasing the "ceiling-level" wonder of a sea of clouds waterfall went viral on Twitter, sparking widespread online discussion. The video captures the breathtaking sea of clouds in Chongqing's Nanchuan District, with the majestic waterfall scenery leaving viewers in awe. The stunning visuals quickly drew the attention and comments of countless netizens.

Upon the video's release, netizens flooded the comments section, expressing their amazement at this natural spectacle. One user remarked, "This looks like a scene straight out of a sci-fi movie, absolutely unbelievable." Another user linked the scene to the stories of renowned physicist Stephen Hawking and the movie "The Mist," saying it made them feel the mystery and grandeur of nature.

The video of Nanchuan District's Sea of Clouds waterfall continues to gain traction online, attracting more attention and discussion. Many netizens wanted to visit Nanchuan District in person to witness this spectacular phenomenon and experience the awe of standing amidst the sea of clouds.

"Let's Meet" airs every Wednesday and Saturday at 18:00 on Chongqing TV and is broadcast on various global platforms such as the Bridging News app, iChongqing website, Western Pass Video, WeChat Official Account, Weibo, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.


New Era, New Journey, New Chongqing

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