iChongqing Title

Photography Competition of Rising Chaotianmen

By XINYI LI|Dec 05,2018

By Xinyi Li, EDITOR

A photography competition in Chongqing continued to open to the public in 2018.  Meanwhile, the event strives to select wonderful pieces to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Reform and Opening-up. In addition, selected pieces focus on presenting the public a particular vision of this city.  The theme of this album is the rising Chaotianmen. 


The blasting site

Photo series 1: A blasting engineering was implemented on Chaotianmen Square in August 2012.


The Raffles City under construction

Photo series 2: The Raffles City was under construction in 2015.


The Raffles City had the basic shape

Photo series 3: The Raffles City had already begun to take shape in 2017.


The design sketch of the Raffles City

Photo series 4: Relevant staff checked the design sketch after completion in the “Raffles City” on Chaotianmen Square in June 2018.

Organizing Committee

Organizer: Newspaper Association of Chongqing, CQCB, Chongqing Morning News, The Photojournalist Society of Chongqing

Supporter: Chongqing Photography Association (CQPA)

Deadline of Event

The deadline for posting is December 2. The time of collecting likes for the photography competition is until December 9, after uploading. In the meantime, likes collection is on the page of CQCB APP.

Requirements of Works

Works should highlight comparison pictures of historical changes of the 40th anniversary of the Reform and Opening-up in Chongqing. Meanwhile, submitted photos should indicate the changes in people’s life. Besides, the event accepts both single picture and a group of pictures.

Basically, each work should contain a title and a description within 100 words (time or location for shooting).

Tips: Competition works should be sent to 175217838@qq.com. When submitting, the author should pack their works into a zip folder, with Title+Shooting Place+Shooting Time+Name+Tel noted.

Source: CQCB


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