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Yubei Sets an Investment Promotion Target of 80 Billion Yuan for This Year

As reported from the First Meeting of the Steering Group for Investment Promotion of Yubei District in 2020, the CPC Yubei District Committee and Chongqing Yubei People's Government designated 2020 as the year of implementation of investment projects. It is required that all investment promotion units should seize opportunities and press ahead to overcome the impact of the epidemic and the constraints of short slabs and make every effort to promote investment.

This year, the investment promotion targets of the whole district are as follows: the number of formal contracts signed reaches 80 billion yuan; the dynamic conversion rate of actually realized capital of signed projects reaches 20%; the rate of operation of investment projects from 2015 to 2017 exceeded 90%; the rate of operation of investment projects from 2018 to 2020 topped 60%.

Yubei gets good results of investment promotion, ranking first in terms of three rates

Since last year, all the investment promotion units of Yubei District have been undertaking responsibilities and making unremitting efforts to promote investment closely around strengthening leading industries, perfecting industrial chains, and building clusters, and good results have been achieved. Particularly, Yubei's investment promotion system has been further optimized; five 100-billion-yuan-level industrial clusters have been flourishing; breakthroughs have been made in key areas; investment promotion projects have been gradually taking effect; the atmosphere of investment promotion has become stronger. Among others, the district's amount of official contracts reached 141.6 billion yuan; the amount of investment completed in the current period of newly started investment promotion projects in the past two years reached 11 billion yuan; the enterprises outside the city visited by the main party and government leaders reached 314. Besides, the district ranked top among 22 urban districts of Chongqing in terms of the three rates.

"Development depends on investment; investment depends on projects; projects rely on investment promotion. Investment promotion is the key to local industrial upgrading, and also the development impetus of a city," said Liu Xuemei, Director of Yubei District Airport Urban Development and Construction Management Office. Liu added that affected by the global COVID-19 epidemic, this year's investment promotion work faces great challenges. Crisis and opportunity always coexist. Once a crisis is overcome, opportunity comes. Yubei District will seize the opportunities brought by national policy for economic recovery, the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, industrial transformation and upgrading in a new era, and the markets triggered by the epidemic; actively adapt to the situation, grasp the law of investment promote, and strengthen work research; speed up the formation of investment promotion ideas in line with the new development concept and the goals of breakthrough; advance the work related to the year of implementation of investment projects; press the fast forward key of investment promotion and push implementation of projects into a fast track, so as to ensure the completion of the investment promotion targets for the year.

Focus on five 100-billion-yuan-level industrial clusters

Work hard on key projects, industrial chains, and new breakthrough

"We will renew the concept of investment promotion, innovative investment promotion ways, take various measures to promote the signing and implementation of investment projects, improve the quality and efficiency of investment promotion, and show the effectiveness of investment promotion." As Liu Xuemei introduced, this year, the district's investment promotion departments will focus on high-level investment promotion by taking the initiative to undertake the investment projects of central enterprises, private enterprises, foreign enterprises in Chongqing; draw on leading enterprises to attract high-quality upstream and downstream and related enterprises to perfect industry chains and take cluster effect; strengthen the interconnected investment promotion, further enhancing collaboration with Liangjiang New Area, advancing Frontier Science and Technology City and Longxing Industrial Park to jointly create a high-end intelligent manufacturing industrial corridor, advancing Chongqing Xiantao International Big Data Valley, Liangjiang Internet Industrial Park and Liangjiang International Cloud Computing Center to jointly create Chongqing big data industrial corridor, advancing Airport New Town and Yuelai New City to jointly deploy Liangjiang Commerce & Exhibition New City, advancing Airport Industrial Park and Bonded Port Area to jointly develop Aviation Bonded Industrial Cluster, and actively explore co-construction of industrial park and other new investment promotion models that share resources and policy.

This year, Yubei District will implement national opening strategies, national regional development strategies and high-quality development requirements, rely on the industrial foundation of Yubei District, focus on five 100-billion-yuan-level industrial clusters, vigorously cultivate the whole industrial chain of "chips, LCD panels, intelligent terminals, core components, and Internet of Things (IoT)", build the "cloud, network, big data, cloud computing and application" element cluster, and promote the integration of advanced manufacturing and modern services.

To be specific, Yubei will focus on key projects and benchmark against developed areas. Focusing on Global 500 companies, Top 500 Enterprises of China, China's centrally administered State-owned enterprises (SOEs), listed companies, unicorn enterprises, and other leading enterprises, Yubei aims to attract their key investment projects and set up enterprise headquarters or regional headquarters. It will give full play to the engine role of ZGC Information Valley, Chang'an Auto Global Software Center, and other leading projects to introduce 1–2 leading projects in the fields of the integrated circuit, big data, and others to drive the development of software and information services.

Secondly, Yubei will complement its industry chains. Yubei will carry out industrial chain analysis around industrial clusters, and determine target enterprises and implement targeted investment promotion specific to weak links of industrial chains. The district will rely on BAONENG, Fosun Sinopharm (Hong Kong) Logistics Warehousing Development Co., Ltd., YTO Express, and other settled logistics projects to complement the aviation logistics industry chain by strengthening its weak links like headquarters settlement and supply chain finance to create a whole industrial chain. It will rely on leading projects such as OPPO, TRANSSION, and KAIFA to introduce core supporting enterprises in the intelligent terminal industry chain to enhance the core competitiveness of the industry. Around the Automotive Electronics Research Institute and other projects, we will vigorously promote investment in electrical, intelligent, networked, and shared automobiles.

Thirdly, Yubei will make new breakthroughs. It will aim at new infrastructure, new industries, and new technologies such as large-scale scientific facilities, actively collaborate with the world top 500 universities, double first-rate universities in China, research institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and research centers directly under central enterprises, introduce a group of high-end and scarce talent, drive the implementation of a group of high-tech projects with new industrial patterns to make new technology and new industries take root in Yubei. It will actively seize the opportunities brought by changes in social consumption habits and enterprise management modes triggered by the epidemic, embrace new trends like online business, online service, and online management, and promote superior pillar industries to open up new development space. Yubei will rely on Liangjiang International Business Center and Modern Consumption Corridor, focus on automobile consumption, digital creativity, airport business, international trade, and other key areas, vigorously develop new consumption patterns, and promote the agglomeration development of business.

Advance work related to the year of implementation of investment projects

Create an attractive business environment

Investment promotion makes no difference if the projects are not implemented. This year, Yubei District will vigorously advance work related to the year of implementation of investment projects, and focus on implementation and progress in order to really transform the achievements of investment promotion into development results.

On the one hand, we will follow up signed projects by conducting due diligence and balance measurement, setting Valuation Adjustment Mechanism (VAM), improving project reliability and contract performance rate, and effectively control the loss risk of a financial support fund for investment promotion in the process of project introduction.

On the other hand, we will promote project commencement and operation, comprehensively checking the commencement states of all investment projects since 2015, and dividing the responsibilities to units and individuals; we will establish special seminars to analyze the reasons one by one and then coordinate relevant departments to solve problems.

For key projects under construction, the accountability mechanism—"one project, one leader; one team, a whole process"—should be implemented; the progress of construction and investment should be accelerated in accordance with the annual construction plan to ensure that the relevant projects are put into production this year.

According to the responsible person of Xiantao data Valley, quality is more important than quantity; implementation is more important than contract signing; chain is more important than an individual project; innovation is more important than a routine; honesty is more important than achievement; service is more important than policy. "Services outweigh policy competition, and high-tech enterprises tend to put the business environment of parks in the first place," said the responsible person.

This year, Yubei District's parks will further strengthen elements security, accelerate infrastructure construction, optimize the business environment, strengthen investment security service, and make enterprises "come in, stay and boom" through creating a favorable business environment.

First, we will actively guide Chongqing Xiantao Big Data and Internet of Things Vocational Training College, Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College, Chongqing Yubei Vocational Education Center, and other educational and training institutions to train professional and technical personnel based on the needs of enterprises so as to provide strong human resources support; secondly, we will scientific and preferential policies for key areas like software and information service industry and intelligent terminal industry; thirdly, we will improve government serviceability, and further simplify the work process. "Yukuaiban" online government service will be promoted to save time and improve efficiency for enterprises; fourthly, we will improve the policy implementation mechanism to accelerate the implementation of policy and benefit enterprises as early as possible; fifthly, we will shape a strong atmosphere of investment promotion by publicizing Yubei's investment resources, comparative advantages, preferential policies and opening results in a multi-dimension, multi-form, and multi-level manner, with an aim to shape a favorable atmosphere for everyone to care about investment promotion, pay attention to investment promotion and get engaged in investment promotion.


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