The Animal Rescue Group in Chongqing: Be the Voice of the Voiceless

By Xiao Wu, video by Xingchen Yue, iChongqing 

Chongqing - “The purpose that dogs are put on earth is to teach human beings of unconditional love.” Said Darlene Lee, a member of the animal rescue group in Chongqing, China.

We met Darlene in her beautiful house, where her two cute dogs enjoy great care and attention from the family. “Dogs are like children. You cannot put them in the cage and forget about them. They really require love, attention, exercise, and stimulation.” Said Darlene.

Darlene and her dogs.

Taking the mission of being the voice of the voiceless, Darlene, along with a big number of animal rescue members in Chongqing, help the animals in trouble in the city. “We have many local animal rescue groups and we all work together. We have a huge network to rescue animals.” Said Darlene.

From capturing the animal in need, taking them to the hospital for health examination to trying to get them a temporary home or a foster home, to rescue an animal involves many people. The members will raise the need in the animal rescue community for everyone to donate and help. “It’s amazing how many people really generous and kind and they want to help,” Darlene told iChongqing.

Darlene shared a touching story on the dog rescue in Chongqing. Once, her driver was supposed to pick up a dog from the airport and sent the dog abroad the next day (Some dogs are not allowed to raise in China so they need to be sent abroad for foster). But the dog escaped from the cage and no one had any idea where it ran. Immediately, Darlene put the picture of the dog, location and the contact number in the WeChat group and asked for help. “All day long, I was watching these text messages going between all the different local rescue groups. I was seeing everybody, expats, and local people, was out looking for the dog. Literally on feet for hours looking for the dog.” Then by the end of the night, the dog was found. “I was so touched. There were so many people who bounded together as a community who loved animals that made it happen.” Said Darlene. 

Darlene also clarified how people can participate in rescuing. She suggests that if people find an animal in need, they can reach out to any one of the rescue members through WeChat groups. Tell them about the location and leave the contact number. Then the rescue members will go and capture the animal. If people can capture the animal by themselves, it is suggested that they should take them to the hospital to avoid further harm to them. The animal rescue group will raise fund and collect the money to cover the cost.

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